Source code for gaphas.item

"""Basic items."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import atan2
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Protocol, Sequence, runtime_checkable

from cairo import Context as CairoContext

from gaphas.constraint import Constraint, EqualsConstraint, constraint
from gaphas.geometry import distance_line_point, distance_rectangle_border_point
from gaphas.handle import Handle
from gaphas.matrix import Matrix
from gaphas.port import LinePort, Port
from gaphas.solver import REQUIRED, VERY_STRONG, variable

    from gaphas.connections import Connections

class DrawContext:
    cairo: CairoContext
    selected: bool
    focused: bool
    hovered: bool

[docs] @runtime_checkable class Item(Protocol): """This protocol should be implemented by model items. All items that are rendered on a view. """ @property def matrix(self) -> Matrix: """The "local", item-to-parent matrix.""" @property def matrix_i2c(self) -> Matrix: """Matrix from item to toplevel."""
[docs] def handles(self) -> Sequence[Handle]: """Return a list of handles owned by the item."""
[docs] def ports(self) -> Sequence[Port]: """Return list of ports owned by the item."""
[docs] def point(self, x: float, y: float) -> float: """Get the distance from a point (``x``, ``y``) to the item. ``x`` and ``y`` are in item coordinates. A distance of 0 means the point is on the item. """
[docs] def draw(self, context: DrawContext) -> None: """Render the item to a canvas view. Context contains the following attributes: * `cairo`: the CairoContext use this one to draw * `selected`, `focused`, `hovered`: view state of items (True/False) """
def matrix_i2i(from_item: Item, to_item: Item) -> Matrix: i2c = from_item.matrix_i2c c2i = to_item.matrix_i2c.inverse() return i2c.multiply(c2i) class Matrices: def __init__(self, **kwargs: object) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._matrix = Matrix() self._matrix_i2c = Matrix() @property def matrix(self) -> Matrix: return self._matrix @property def matrix_i2c(self) -> Matrix: return self._matrix_i2c [NW, NE, SE, SW] = list(range(4))
[docs] class Element(Matrices): """An Element has 4 handles (for a start): .. code-block:: text NW +---+ NE | | SW +---+ SE """ min_width = variable(strength=REQUIRED, varname="_min_width") min_height = variable(strength=REQUIRED, varname="_min_height") def __init__( self, connections: Connections, width: float = 10, height: float = 10, **kwargs: object, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._handles = [h(strength=VERY_STRONG) for h in [Handle] * 4] handles = self._handles h_nw = handles[NW] h_ne = handles[NE] h_sw = handles[SW] h_se = handles[SE] # edge of element define default element ports self._ports = [ LinePort(h_nw.pos, h_ne.pos), LinePort(h_ne.pos, h_se.pos), LinePort(h_se.pos, h_sw.pos), LinePort(h_sw.pos, h_nw.pos), ] # initialize min_x variables self.min_width, self.min_height = 10, 10 add = connections.add_constraint add(self, constraint(horizontal=(h_nw.pos, h_ne.pos))) add(self, constraint(horizontal=(h_sw.pos, h_se.pos))) add(self, constraint(vertical=(h_nw.pos, h_sw.pos))) add(self, constraint(vertical=(h_ne.pos, h_se.pos))) # create minimal size constraints add(self, constraint(left_of=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self.min_width)) add(self, constraint(above=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self.min_height)) self.width = width self.height = height # Trigger solver to honour width/height by SE handle pos self._handles[SE].pos.x.dirty() self._handles[SE].pos.y.dirty() @property def width(self) -> float: """Width of the box, calculated as the distance from the left and right handle.""" h = self._handles return float(h[SE].pos.x) - float(h[NW].pos.x) @width.setter def width(self, width: float) -> None: """ >>> b=Element() >>> b.width = 20 >>> b.width 20.0 >>> b._handles[NW].pos.x Variable(0, 40) >>> b._handles[SE].pos.x Variable(20, 40) """ h = self._handles h[SE].pos.x = h[NE].pos.x = h[NW].pos.x + width @property def height(self) -> float: """Height.""" h = self._handles return float(h[SE].pos.y) - float(h[NW].pos.y) @height.setter def height(self, height: float) -> None: """ >>> b=Element() >>> b.height = 20 >>> b.height 20.0 >>> b.height = 2 >>> b.height 2.0 >>> b._handles[NW].pos.y Variable(0, 40) >>> b._handles[SE].pos.y Variable(2, 40) """ h = self._handles h[SE].pos.y = h[SW].pos.y = h[NW].pos.y + height
[docs] def handles(self) -> Sequence[Handle]: """Return a list of handles owned by the item.""" return self._handles
[docs] def ports(self) -> Sequence[Port]: """Return list of ports.""" return self._ports
[docs] def point(self, x: float, y: float) -> float: """Distance from the point (x, y) to the item. >>> e = Element() >>> e.point(20, 10) 10.0 """ h = self._handles x0, y0 = h[NW].pos x1, y1 = h[SE].pos return distance_rectangle_border_point((x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0), (x, y))
def draw(self, context: DrawContext) -> None: pass
def create_orthogonal_constraints( handles: Sequence[Handle], horizontal: bool ) -> Iterable[Constraint]: rest = 1 if horizontal else 0 for pos, (h0, h1) in enumerate(zip(handles, handles[1:])): p0 = h0.pos p1 = h1.pos if pos % 2 == rest: yield EqualsConstraint(a=p0.x, b=p1.x) else: yield EqualsConstraint(a=p0.y, b=p1.y)
[docs] class Line(Matrices): """A Line item. Properties: - fuzziness (0.0..n): an extra margin that should be taken into account when calculating the distance from the line (using point()). - orthogonal (bool): whether or not the line should be orthogonal (only straight angles) - horizontal: first line segment is horizontal - line_width: width of the line to be drawn This line also supports arrow heads on both the begin and end of the line. These are drawn with the methods draw_head(context) and draw_tail(context). The coordinate system is altered so the methods do not have to know about the angle of the line segment (e.g. drawing a line from (10, 10) via (0, 0) to (10, -10) will draw an arrow point). """ def __init__(self, connections: Connections, **kwargs: object) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._connections = connections self._handles = [Handle(connectable=True), Handle((10, 10), connectable=True)] self._ports: list[Port] = [] self._update_ports() self._line_width = 2.0 self._fuzziness = 0.0 self._horizontal = False self._orthogonal = False self._orthogonal_constraints: list[Constraint] = [] @property def head(self) -> Handle: return self._handles[0] @property def tail(self) -> Handle: return self._handles[-1] @property def line_width(self) -> float: return self._line_width @line_width.setter def line_width(self, line_width: float) -> None: self._line_width = line_width @property def fuzziness(self) -> float: return self._fuzziness @fuzziness.setter def fuzziness(self, fuzziness: float) -> None: self._fuzziness = fuzziness
[docs] def update_orthogonal_constraints(self) -> None: """Update the constraints required to maintain the orthogonal line.""" # Use public `horizontal` and `orthogonal` field, so properties can be overwritten for c in self._orthogonal_constraints: self._connections.remove_constraint(self, c) del self._orthogonal_constraints[:] if not self.orthogonal or len(self._handles) < 3: return add = self._connections.add_constraint cons = [ add(self, c) for c in create_orthogonal_constraints(self._handles, self.horizontal) ] self._set_orthogonal_constraints(cons)
def _set_orthogonal_constraints( self, orthogonal_constraints: list[Constraint] ) -> None: """Setter for the constraints maintained. Required for the undo system. """ self._orthogonal_constraints = orthogonal_constraints @property def orthogonal(self) -> bool: return self._orthogonal @orthogonal.setter def orthogonal(self, orthogonal: bool) -> None: """ >>> a = Line() >>> a.orthogonal False """ self._orthogonal = True self.update_orthogonal_constraints() @property def horizontal(self) -> bool: return self._horizontal @horizontal.setter def horizontal(self, horizontal: bool) -> None: """ >>> line = Line() >>> line.horizontal False >>> line.horizontal = False >>> line.horizontal False """ self._horizontal = horizontal self.update_orthogonal_constraints() def insert_handle(self, index: int, handle: Handle) -> None: self._handles.insert(index, handle) def remove_handle(self, handle: Handle) -> None: self._handles.remove(handle) def insert_port(self, index: int, port: Port) -> None: self._ports.insert(index, port) def remove_port(self, port: Port) -> None: self._ports.remove(port) def _update_ports(self) -> None: """Update line ports. This destroys all previously created ports and should only be used when initializing the line. """ assert len(self._handles) >= 2, "Not enough segments" handles = self._handles self._ports = [ LinePort(h1.pos, h2.pos) for h1, h2 in zip(handles[:-1], handles[1:]) ]
[docs] def opposite(self, handle: Handle) -> Handle: """Given the handle of one end of the line, return the other end.""" handles = self._handles if handle is handles[0]: return handles[-1] elif handle is handles[-1]: return handles[0] else: raise KeyError("Handle is not an end handle")
[docs] def handles(self) -> Sequence[Handle]: """Return a list of handles owned by the item.""" return self._handles
[docs] def ports(self) -> Sequence[Port]: """Return list of ports.""" return self._ports
[docs] def point(self, x: float, y: float) -> float: """ >>> a = Line() >>> a.handles()[1].pos = 25, 5 >>> a._handles.append(a._create_handle((30, 30))) >>> a.point(-1, 0) 1.0 >>> f"{a.point(5, 4):.3f}" '2.942' >>> f"{a.point(29, 29):.3f}" '0.784' """ hpos = [h.pos for h in self._handles] p = (x, y) distance, _point = min( distance_line_point(start, end, p) # type: ignore[arg-type] for start, end in zip(hpos[:-1], hpos[1:]) ) return max(0.0, distance - self.fuzziness)
[docs] def draw_head(self, context: DrawContext) -> None: """Default head drawer: move cursor to the first handle.""" context.cairo.move_to(0, 0)
[docs] def draw_tail(self, context: DrawContext) -> None: """Default tail drawer: draw line to the last handle.""" context.cairo.line_to(0, 0)
[docs] def draw(self, context: DrawContext) -> None: """Draw the line itself. See Item.draw(context). """ def draw_line_end(pos, angle, draw): cr = context.cairo try: cr.translate(*pos) cr.rotate(angle) draw(context) finally: cr.restore() cr = context.cairo cr.set_line_width(self.line_width) h0, h1 = self._handles[:2] p0, p1 = h0.pos, h1.pos head_angle = atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x) draw_line_end(self._handles[0].pos, head_angle, self.draw_head) for h in self._handles[1:-1]: cr.line_to(*h.pos) h1, h0 = self._handles[-2:] p1, p0 = h1.pos, h0.pos tail_angle = atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x) draw_line_end(self._handles[-1].pos, tail_angle, self.draw_tail) cr.stroke()