Source code for gaphas.solver.variable

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, SupportsFloat

from gaphas.types import TypedProperty

# epsilon for float comparison
# is simple abs(x - y) > EPSILON enough for canvas needs?
EPSILON = 1e-6

# Variable Strengths:
WEAK = 10

[docs]class variable: """Easy-to-use drop Variable descriptor. >>> class A(object): ... x = variable(varname='_v_x') ... y = variable(STRONG) ... def __init__(self): ... self.x = 12 >>> a = A() >>> a.x Variable(12, 20) >>> a._v_x Variable(12, 20) >>> a.x = 3 >>> a.x Variable(3, 20) >>> a.y Variable(0, 30) """ def __init__(self, strength=NORMAL, varname=None): self._strength = strength self._varname = varname or f"_variable_{id(self)}" def __get__(self, obj, class_=None): if not obj: return self try: return getattr(obj, self._varname) except AttributeError: setattr(obj, self._varname, Variable(strength=self._strength)) return getattr(obj, self._varname) def __set__(self, obj, value): try: getattr(obj, self._varname).value = float(value) except AttributeError: v = Variable(strength=self._strength) setattr(obj, self._varname, v) v.value = value
[docs]class Variable: """Representation of a variable in the constraint solver. Each Variable has a ``value`` and a ``strength``. In a constraint the weakest variables are changed. You can even do some calculating with it. The Variable always represents a float variable. The ``variable`` decorator can be used to easily define variables in classes. """ def __init__(self, value: SupportsFloat = 0.0, strength: int = NORMAL): self._value = float(value) self._strength = strength self._handlers: set[Callable[[Variable, float], None]] = set()
[docs] def add_handler(self, handler: Callable[[Variable, float], None]) -> None: """Add a handler, to be invoked when the value changes.""" self._handlers.add(handler)
[docs] def remove_handler(self, handler: Callable[[Variable, float], None]) -> None: """Remove a handler.""" self._handlers.discard(handler)
[docs] def notify(self, old: float) -> None: """Notify all handlers.""" for handler in self._handlers: handler(self, old)
@property def strength(self) -> int: """Strength.""" return self._strength
[docs] def dirty(self) -> None: """Mark the variable dirty in all attached constraints. Variables are marked dirty also during constraints solving to solve all dependent constraints, i.e. two equals constraints between 3 variables. """ self.notify(self._value)
def set_value(self, value: SupportsFloat) -> None: oldval = self._value v = float(value) if abs(oldval - v) > EPSILON: self._value = v self.notify(oldval) value: TypedProperty[float, SupportsFloat] value = property(lambda s: s._value, set_value) def __str__(self): return f"Variable({self._value:g}, {self._strength:d})" __repr__ = __str__ def __float__(self): return float(self._value) def __eq__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) == 5 True >>> Variable(5) == 4 False >>> Variable(5) != 5 False """ return abs(self._value - other) < EPSILON def __ne__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) != 4 True >>> Variable(5) != 5 False """ return abs(self._value - other) > EPSILON def __gt__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) > 4 True >>> Variable(5) > 5 False """ return self._value.__gt__(float(other)) def __lt__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) < 4 False >>> Variable(5) < 6 True """ return self._value.__lt__(float(other)) def __ge__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) >= 5 True """ return self._value.__ge__(float(other)) def __le__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) <= 5 True """ return self._value.__le__(float(other)) def __add__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) + 4 9.0 """ return self._value.__add__(float(other)) def __sub__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) - 4 1.0 >>> Variable(5) - Variable(4) 1.0 """ return self._value.__sub__(float(other)) def __mul__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) * 4 20.0 >>> Variable(5) * Variable(4) 20.0 """ return self._value.__mul__(float(other)) def __floordiv__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(21) // 4 5.0 >>> Variable(21) // Variable(4) 5.0 """ return self._value.__floordiv__(float(other)) def __mod__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) % 4 1.0 >>> Variable(5) % Variable(4) 1.0 """ return self._value.__mod__(float(other)) def __divmod__(self, other): """ >>> divmod(Variable(21), 4) (5.0, 1.0) >>> divmod(Variable(21), Variable(4)) (5.0, 1.0) """ return self._value.__divmod__(float(other)) def __pow__(self, other): """ >>> pow(Variable(5), 4) 625.0 >>> pow(Variable(5), Variable(4)) 625.0 """ return self._value.__pow__(float(other)) def __truediv__(self, other): """ >>> Variable(5) / 4. 1.25 >>> Variable(5) / Variable(4) 1.25 >>> Variable(5.) / 4 1.25 >>> 10 / Variable(5.) 2.0 """ return self._value.__truediv__(float(other)) # .. And the other way around: def __radd__(self, other): """ >>> 4 + Variable(5) 9.0 >>> Variable(4) + Variable(5) 9.0 """ return self._value.__radd__(float(other)) def __rsub__(self, other): """ >>> 6 - Variable(5) 1.0 """ return self._value.__rsub__(other) def __rmul__(self, other): """ >>> 4 * Variable(5) 20.0 """ return self._value.__rmul__(other) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """ >>> 21 // Variable(4) 5.0 """ return self._value.__rfloordiv__(other) def __rmod__(self, other): """ >>> 5 % Variable(4) 1.0 """ return self._value.__rmod__(other) def __rdivmod__(self, other): """ >>> divmod(21, Variable(4)) (5.0, 1.0) """ return self._value.__rdivmod__(other) def __rpow__(self, other): """ >>> pow(4, Variable(5)) 1024.0 """ return self._value.__rpow__(other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ >>> 5 / Variable(4.) 1.25 >>> 5. / Variable(4) 1.25 """ return self._value.__rtruediv__(other)