Source code for gaphas.handle

"""Basic connectors such as Ports and Handles."""
from __future__ import annotations

from gaphas.position import Position
from gaphas.solver import NORMAL
from gaphas.types import Pos, SupportsFloatPos, TypedProperty

[docs]class Handle: """Handles are used to support modifications of Items. If the handle is connected to an item, the ``connected_to`` property should refer to the item. A ``disconnect`` handler should be provided that handles all disconnect behaviour (e.g. clean up constraints and ``connected_to``). Note for those of you that use the Pickle module to persist a canvas: The property ``disconnect`` should contain a callable object (with __call__() method), so the pickle handler can also pickle that. Pickle is not capable of pickling ``instancemethod`` or ``function`` objects. """ def __init__( self, pos: Pos = (0, 0), strength: int = NORMAL, connectable: bool = False, movable: bool = True, ) -> None: """Create a new handle. Position is in item coordinates. """ self._pos = Position(pos[0], pos[1], strength) self._connectable = connectable self._movable = movable self._visible = True self._glued = False def _set_pos(self, pos: Position | SupportsFloatPos) -> None: """ Shortcut for ``handle.pos.pos = pos`` >>> h = Handle((10, 10)) >>> h.pos = (20, 15) >>> h.pos <Position object on (20, 15)> """ self._pos.pos = pos pos: TypedProperty[Position, Position | SupportsFloatPos] pos = property(lambda s: s._pos, _set_pos, doc="The Handle's position") @property def connectable(self) -> bool: """Can this handle actually connectect to a port?""" return self._connectable @connectable.setter def connectable(self, connectable: bool) -> None: self._connectable = connectable @property def movable(self) -> bool: """Can this handle be moved by a mouse pointer?""" return self._movable @movable.setter def movable(self, movable: bool) -> None: self._movable = movable @property def visible(self) -> bool: """Is this handle visible to the user?""" return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, visible: bool) -> None: self._visible = visible @property def glued(self) -> bool: """Is the handle being moved and about to be connected?""" return self._glued @glued.setter def glued(self, glued: bool) -> None: self._glued = glued def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object on ({self._pos.x}, {self._pos.y})>" __repr__ = __str__