Source code for gaphas.canvas

"""A Canvas owns a set of Items and acts as a container for both the items and
a constraint solver.


Getting Connection Information
To get connected item to a handle::

    c = canvas.connections.get_connection(handle)
    if c is not None:
        print c.connected
        print c.port
        print c.constraint

To get all connected items (i.e. items on both sides of a line)::

    classes = (i.connected for i in canvas.get_connections(item=line))

To get connecting items (i.e. all lines connected to a class)::

    lines = (c.item for c in canvas.get_connections(connected=item))

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Optional

import cairo
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from gaphas import matrix, tree
from gaphas.connections import Connection, Connections
from gaphas.decorators import nonrecursive

    from gaphas.item import Item
    from gaphas.view.model import View

def instant_cairo_context():
    """A simple Cairo context, not attached to any window."""
    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 0, 0)
    return cairo.Context(surface)

[docs]class Canvas: """Container class for items.""" def __init__(self): self._tree: tree.Tree[Item] = tree.Tree() self._connections = Connections() self._registered_views = set() self._connections.add_handler(self._on_constraint_solved) @property def solver(self): return self._connections.solver @property def connections(self) -> Connections: return self._connections
[docs] def add(self, item, parent=None, index=None): """Add an item to the canvas. >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> len(c._tree.nodes) 1 >>> i._canvas is c True """ assert item not in self._tree.nodes, f"Adding already added node {item}" self._tree.add(item, parent, index) self.request_update(item)
def _remove(self, item): """Remove is done in a separate, @observed, method so the undo system can restore removed items in the right order.""" self._tree.remove(item) self._connections.disconnect_item(item) self._update_views(removed_items=(item,))
[docs] def remove(self, item): """Remove item from the canvas. >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> c.remove(i) >>> c._tree.nodes [] >>> i._canvas """ for child in reversed(list(self.get_children(item))): self.remove(child) self._connections.remove_connections_to_item(item) self._remove(item)
[docs] def reparent(self, item, parent, index=None): """Set new parent for an item.""" self._tree.move(item, parent, index)
[docs] def get_all_items(self) -> Iterable[Item]: """Get a list of all items. >>> c = Canvas() >>> c.get_all_items() [] >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> c.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<gaphas.item.Item ...>] """ return iter(self._tree.nodes)
[docs] def get_root_items(self): """Return the root items of the canvas. >>> c = Canvas() >>> c.get_all_items() [] >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> ii = item.Item() >>> c.add(ii, i) >>> c.get_root_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<gaphas.item.Item ...>] """ return self._tree.get_children(None)
[docs] def get_parent(self, item: Item) -> Optional[Item]: """See `tree.Tree.get_parent()`. >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> ii = item.Item() >>> c.add(ii, i) >>> c.get_parent(i) >>> c.get_parent(ii) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <gaphas.item.Item ...> """ return self._tree.get_parent(item)
[docs] def get_children(self, item: Optional[Item]) -> Iterable[Item]: """See `tree.Tree.get_children()`. >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> ii = item.Item() >>> c.add(ii, i) >>> iii = item.Item() >>> c.add(iii, ii) >>> list(c.get_children(iii)) [] >>> list(c.get_children(ii)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<gaphas.item.Item ...>] >>> list(c.get_children(i)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<gaphas.item.Item ...>] """ return self._tree.get_children(item)
[docs] def sort(self, items: Iterable[Item]) -> Iterable[Item]: """Sort a list of items in the order in which they are traversed in the canvas (Depth first). >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i1 = item.Line() >>> c.add(i1) >>> i2 = item.Line() >>> c.add(i2) >>> i3 = item.Line() >>> c.add (i3) >>> c.update_now((i1, i2, i3)) # ensure items are indexed >>> s = c.sort([i2, i3, i1]) >>> s[0] is i1 and s[1] is i2 and s[2] is i3 True """ return self._tree.order(items)
[docs] def get_matrix_i2c(self, item: Item) -> matrix.Matrix: """Get the Item to Canvas matrix for ``item``. item: The item who's item-to-canvas transformation matrix should be found calculate: True will allow this function to actually calculate it, instead of raising an `AttributeError` when no matrix is present yet. Note that out-of-date matrices are not recalculated. """ m = item.matrix parent = self._tree.get_parent(item) if parent is not None: m = m.multiply(self.get_matrix_i2c(parent)) return m
[docs] def request_update(self, item: Item) -> None: """Set an update request for the item. >>> c = Canvas() >>> from gaphas import item >>> i = item.Item() >>> ii = item.Item() >>> c.add(i) >>> c.add(ii, i) >>> len(c._dirty_items) 0 >>> c.update_now((i, ii)) >>> len(c._dirty_items) 0 """ self._update_views(dirty_items=(item,))
[docs] def request_matrix_update(self, item): """Schedule only the matrix to be updated.""" self.request_update(item)
@nonrecursive def update_now(self, dirty_items): """Perform an update of the items that requested an update.""" try: # keep it here, since we need up to date matrices for the solver for d in dirty_items: d.matrix_i2c.set(*self.get_matrix_i2c(d)) # solve all constraints self._connections.solve() except Exception as e: logging.error("Error while updating canvas", exc_info=e)
[docs] def register_view(self, view: View) -> None: """Register a view on this canvas. This method is called when setting a canvas on a view and should not be called directly from user code. """ self._registered_views.add(view)
[docs] def unregister_view(self, view: View) -> None: """Unregister a view on this canvas. This method is called when setting a canvas on a view and should not be called directly from user code. """ self._registered_views.discard(view)
def _on_constraint_solved(self, cinfo: Connection) -> None: dirty_items = set() known_items = set(self._tree.nodes) item = cinfo.item if item and item in known_items: dirty_items.add(item) connected = cinfo.connected if connected and connected in known_items: dirty_items.add(connected) if dirty_items: self._update_views(dirty_items) def _update_views(self, dirty_items=(), removed_items=()): """Send an update notification to all registered views.""" for v in self._registered_views: v.request_update(dirty_items, removed_items)
class Traversable(Protocol): def get_parent(self, item: Item) -> Optional[Item]: ... def get_children(self, item: Optional[Item]) -> Iterable[Item]: ... def ancestors(canvas: Traversable, item: Item) -> Iterable[Optional[Item]]: parent = canvas.get_parent(item) while parent: yield parent parent = canvas.get_parent(parent) def all_children(canvas: Traversable, item: Optional[Item]) -> Iterable[Item]: children = canvas.get_children(item) for child in children: yield child yield from all_children(canvas, child) # Additional tests in @observed methods __test__ = { "Canvas.add": Canvas.add, "Canvas.remove": Canvas.remove, "Canvas.request_update": Canvas.request_update, }